Friday, July 31, 2009

Creating TIFF files from pdfs

R easily creates graphic files in pdf format, but many journals require that one submit high-resolution TIFF files. Johanna figured out how to convert from pdf to TIFF:

ghostscript can be used to change between formats. '-r' option for how
may d.p.i you want. This is the command to write to file (you can also
write to X11 using ghostview). It is also possible to change to and from
many other formats.

The command used:

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tifflzw -r600 -sOutputFile=name.tiff

I think when using preview to change from pdf to tiff it automatically
puts the figure in 72 d.p.i.

This looks very nice in Word even if zooming more than 200%.

A) The 'tifflzw' option results in a compressed file that is much much smaller than the corresponding uncompressed tiff file. And it is a loss-less compression, so there is no loss of quality.

B) The 'tifflzw' option produces monochrome output. If you need LZW-compressed color TIFF files, you can do this, using a command from the libtiff library:

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -r600 -sOutputFile=figure4a.TIFF figure_4a.pdf
tiffcp -c lzw figure4a.TIFF figure4aLZW.TIFF

C) For some reason, importing pdf figures into Microsoft Word causes the figures to become fuzzy. To avoid this, convert your pdf figures to compressed TIFF and then import the TIFF files into Word.

D) When creating plots within R, one can directly create a TIFF file using the bitmap() or dev2bitmap() functions. For example, this command:


copied the plot I had already drawn in the R graphics window to a 600 DPI TIFF file named "test.tiff".

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